Delayed, Lost or Damaged Baggage
Delayed Baggage
We do our very best to make sure your baggage arrives with you at your destination. Sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, baggage may be delayed in transit. The information in this section will explain what you need to know and what the next steps are when dealing with delayed baggage.
If you are unable to locate your checked bag upon landing, please report your missing bag to a Pacific Coastal Airlines Customer Service Agent immediately in order to expedite your baggage tracking process.
When you report a missing bag to us at the airport, the Customer Service Agent will ask you to provide:
- Your contact information
- A detailed description of your baggage and content
- Your boarding pass with reservation number
This information will assist the agent in completing a Baggage Irregularity Claim form CB-009 as soon as the baggage is identified as delayed.
If your bag is not located within 21 days, we will pay you the value of the delayed bag or the amount of our Baggage Liability. Please refer to the tab Maximum Baggage Liability below.
If you have left the airport, you must report your missing bag in writing within 21 days of your flight arrival.
Where to send your baggage claim:
Pacific Coastal Airlines
Baggage Department
4980 Cowley Crescent,
Richmond, BC V7B 1C1
What to include with your baggage claim:
- Your name and contact information
- Your confirmation, date of travel and flight number
- A brief written explanation of your claim
- A detailed description of your bag (colour, brand name etc.)
- A completed Baggage Irregularity Claim form CB-009
If you have any questions about baggage claims, you may contact our
Call Centre.
If your baggage was delayed, we will provide a refund for the checked baggage fees that you paid on flights operated by Pacific Coastal Airlines.
While you are without your belongings as a direct result of your delayed baggage, we will reimburse you for reasonable expenses that you’ve incurred for rentals or essential items. Examples of essential items may include but are not limited to clothes and toiletries or sport equipment rental. All claims must be supported by receipts.
Claims for interim expenses must be made within 21 days from the date on which the delayed baggage was received.
If your bag is not located within 21 days, we will pay you the value of the delayed bag or the amount of our Baggage Liability. Please refer to the tab Maximum Baggage Liability below.
Damaged Baggage
When you report a damaged bag to us, we will assess the damage to your bag. With certain exceptions including normal wear and tear or damage resulting from a defect in the bag, if it is determined that the bag was damaged while in our care, we will repair the bag or replace it. In addition, we will provide a refund for the checked baggage fees that you paid on flights operated by Pacific Coastal Airlines.
Report your damaged bag to us for assessment at your arrival airport. This will assist the agent in completing a Baggage Irregularity Claim form CB-009 if warranted as soon as possible.
- If you notice the damage after leaving your destination airport, we strongly encourage you to return to the airport with your damaged bag with the Pacific Coastal Airlines baggage tags still attached to report the damage
- You must report your damage to us in writing up to 7 days from the date of arrival at your destination airport
Where to send your baggage claim:
Pacific Coastal Airlines
Baggage Department
4980 Cowley Crescent,
Richmond, BC V7B 1C1
What to include with your baggage claim:
- your name and contact information
- your confirmation, date of travel and flight number
- a brief written explanation of your claim
- photographs of the baggage with Pacific Coastal Airlines baggage tag(s) attached on the baggage
- photographs of the damage
- A completed Baggage Irregularity Claim form CB-009
If you have any questions about baggage claims, you may contact our
Call Centre.
Pacific Coastal Airlines is not responsible for any damage to baggage that has resulted from excess weight or over-packing. We are also not responsible for any damage that has occurred following the flight.
We assume no liability for damage or loss of fragile, valuable, or perishable articles. Examples of these include (but are not limited to) money, jewelry, cameras, video and electronic equipment, silverware, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, or samples which are included in the passenger’s checked baggage.
Pacific Coastal Airlines does not compensate for minor damage such as would be expected under normal wear and tear during transit. This includes ripped seams, zippers, scuffs, scratches, nicks, dents, missing straps, feet, clips and wheels, exterior tube handles or similar damage attributable to normal wear and tear.
You can contact our call centre at 1.800.663.2872 or email with any inquiries.
Pacific Coastal Airlines is liable for damage sustained to checked baggage upon condition only that the event which caused the damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked baggage was in the care of Pacific Coastal Airlines; with certain exceptions including:
a. minor damage such as would be expected under normal wear and tear during transit;
b. damage resulting from a defect in or quality of the bag; or
c. unsuitable or inadequate packing of contents
Pacific Coastal Airlines does not accept fragile, valuable, or perishable articles in checked baggage.
Note: We recommend not packing the following items in your checked baggage: house/car keys, jewelry, valuables, cash, life-saving medicine/medical devices, important documents, or personal electronic devices.
Pacific Coastal Airline’s maximum liability for delayed, lost, or damaged baggage (including contents) is 1,519
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) per person (approximately $2,800 CAD).
Talk to us
If you have questions or concerns about your claim, please contact our
Call Centre.
Write to us
Please submit your written comments or complaints to our Baggage Department.
Pacific Coastal Airlines
Baggage Department
4980 Cowley Crescent,
Richmond, BC V7B 1C1
You will receive a confirmation email that includes a case number. We review all complaints and concerns promptly and respond as quickly as reasonably possible. Some complaints may, however, require more time and effort to address. Normally, a full response and explanation will be given within 30 days or as soon as reasonably possible.
If you are unable to resolve a claim or dispute directly with us, you may seek the assistance of the
Canadian Transportation Agency.
If a repair has been approved, you may choose to: