Fare Information
Baggage Fees Definition
Pre-Paid baggage fees are defined as baggage fees paid at time of booking or post booking up until 24 hours before scheduled flight departure.
Check-in baggage fees are defined as baggage fees paid for during check-in, either online or at the airport within 24 hours of scheduled flight departure.
Services Fees (including GST):
Encore Fare | Classic Fare | Bravo Fare | Basic Fare (NEW) | |
Cancellation/Change | $0 | $52.50 | $105.00 | N/A |
Name Changes | $0 | $52.50 | $105.00 | N/A |
Same-Day Earlier Flight Change | $0 | $26.25 | $52.50 | N/A |
Refundable | Yes | No | No | N/A |
Booking | Anytime | In Advance | Early | Early |
1st Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $36.75
Check-In $47.25 |
Pre-Paid $36.75
Check-In $47.25 |
2nd Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $57.75
Check-In $68.25 |
Pre-Paid $57.75
Check-In $68.25 |
Pre-Paid $57.75
Check-In $68.25 |
3rd Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Advance Seat Selection | $0 | $9.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
QuikPass Fares
QuikPass Encore | QuikPass Classic | QuikPass Bravo | |
Minimum Deposit | $2,000 | $1,500 | $1,000 |
Priority Boarding | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Priority Protection Travel | Yes | Yes | Yes |
24/7 Online Account Management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Refund to Account | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Name Changes | Free | $52.50 | $78.75 |
Cancellation/Change | Free | $52.50 | $78.75 |
Same Day Earlier Flight Change | Free | $26.25 | $52.50 |
Booking | Anytime | In Advance | Early |
1st Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
2nd Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $0
Check-In $0 |
Pre-Paid $57.75
Check-In $68.25 |
Pre-Paid $57.75
Check-In $68.25 |
3rd Checked Bag | Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Pre-Paid $105
Check-In $115.50 |
Advance Seat Selection | Free | $9.99 | $9.99 |
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